Survivor ORG Wiki
Survivor ORG Wiki

Day 31[]

Coming back and I'm not surprised at all as to what happened. Chris and Jamie are good and these people are idiots for allowing them to sneak by this round. I definitely feel like I'm on the bottom so I kind of just wanna throw all good gameplay out the window and blow things up


Am I pissed? HELL YEAH. Did I play it dumb and blow up? Hell no. So I took this opportunity to approach Jamie and truly just lay out all our cards on the table. I proved to her (hopefully) that I've been nothing but straight up with her this entire game and that the TRUE flippers are Chris and Claire. I let her know about all the attempts to get rid of her and all the shit that's been said about her in hopes that she'd realize that Claire & Chris are just going to flip back and forth vote after vote whereas with me she'd know where I stand always (well that's my strategy). Ever since the Charley vote happened I decided to alter my strategy in a way to rid of me any sort of untrustworthy stigma I carried. I strategically openly shit talked Jamie and just removed any filter I had so people would begin to see me as Alexa the straightforward bitch vs Alexa the shady double agent and it's worked in my favor a bit. I haven't made false promises to Jamie purposely so she could see me as the genuine person whereas Claire/Chris have made false promises this entire game. If I can get Jamie/Jared to vote out Chris that would be perfect. It might not work but I'm at the bottom and this is my way of making another big move and also getting vengance after Chris/Claire have continued to be shady double dealers. Hopefully this idol I stole from Hunter is actually legitimate and actually works when I need it to, I gave him a decoy back LMAOOO. I'm not preapred to go just yet, I've fought this entire game to make it here and I will continue to do so until I make the FTC! Karma always comes knocking on your doorstep, never forget that.


esterday was a mess. Jamie won immunity which I wanted because I thought it'd be easy to get Hunter to leave, but everyone started freaking the fuck out, emotions were high, paranoia was high, and Jamie kept pushing we go for Ash because it was the safest decision and I did not want to do that AT all I wanted to keep Ash she wasn't coming after me but I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place and I simply had no choice but to go with Jamie and Jared because I was planning on going with them anyways, and I brought Claire along.

Claire is the reason for it though in my opinion, she's a very very sweet girl with a big heart and she ran to Ash and told her she was getting votes and that she was gonna try to steer them away from her, and like if I didn't vote Ash out then Jamie/Jared could've talked with Ash and would've seen I was playing both sides and I'd be screwed, so I was left with no choice.

It was the most emotional moment of the season for me and I really don't know what is wrong with me this season and why I care so much about people, I NEVER play like that ever and I hate having emotion, where are my devil horns like I shouldn't be having a heart !!!!!!

Moving forward now I mean we'll be fine because of Jamie's steal a vote power and we can split the votes but I'd like to like do damage control on Alexa/Brett/Hunter and try to raise my sympathy up as much as I can with them and say how emotional it was and how last minute it was because of Jamie telling me Ash was coming after me last second. The last thing I want is for every1 to think this was planned because then there's no point in trying to do damage control !!!

I'd ideally LOVE to take out Hunter/Brett in the next two votes and flip with Claire to Alexa at final 5, but according to Jamie, Alexa is throwing us under the bus and trying to get us voted out so basically Alexa staying is dependent on if she actually goes through with trying to target us or not, and Alexa if you read this in the future girl and you got voted out this round or the next round just know it was because of that bitch!

This confessional was entirely too long and I really don't know why I'm spending time writing these elaborate confessionals instead of just ranting about how much I hate people like I used to in the past, but oh well!!


My head really isn’t in the game anymore lmao I don’t think taking a few days off helped me at all, and I am also stoned af right now. This is the first time in the game in which I have no clue as to what I am doing haha.

But yeah basically skipping tribal caused Ash to try and target Hunter to weaken me because she was mad I left them hanging out to dry??? And also she spilled to Chris/Jamie that Jamie would have gone home in the Emile vote had Hunter not voted early so I just had to own up to that shit in the group chat with Jamie/Chris. The whole Jamie/Chris group chat started because we were trying to turn Jamie/Chris against each other but I soon realized it’s better to just tell the truth and own up to shit because lying is only going to dig me into a deeper hole especially after Ash spilled a ton of information to Chris and Jamie.

The Chris and Jamie friendship is really annoying to deal with because if it was real survivor they would be targeting each other but they never will seriously gun for each other because they are super tight friends.


Currently I've been trying my best to ensure that Jamie truly buries the hatchet with me and that she realizes that I'm being straight up with her and that Chris/Claire are truly the ones she needs to target due to their lack of reliability and trustworthiness. I've been trying to make her believe that I'm truly willing to work with her long-term (which I would NEVER), I've been filling her head with paranoia and causing her to hopefully doubt her so called "allies". I want her to be the biggest moron of this season and spare me and trust me yet again for a third time, just so I can stick the knife right in her back. Thankfully I was able to steal Hunter's idol and hopefully it's fucking real because that would seriously give me the upper hand. It's honestly difficult to play this game manuvering through three duos but if anyone knows me, they know I never give up, ever.


Just like I predicted, Chris and Claire flip flopped yet again this vote even after I flipped the Sora vote to save Chris but that was anticipated, plus Sora would've done the same. My goal right now is to make Chris believe I'm so far up his asshole that I'm basically sharing the room with Claire so that he won't see a flip coming, so then I can swoop in with Brett/Hunter/Jamie and blindside his ass, hopefully. And then the second Jamie is vulnerable too I'll take her out and abduct her little sheep in Jared. Repairing my relationship with Jared isn't going to be easy but it isn't impossible. Also, I cannot wait to see Claire squirmming after she realizes she can't get away with flip flopping every vote because her word in this game is equivalent to a pile of dog shit.


Ever since the merge began I created a strategy for myself to ensure that the "untrustworthy" label that Jamie tried pinning on me would soon be tarnished by my new technique. I began to only give true promises to people to ensure that they would say to themselves, "Wow. Alexa's super straightforward, she says what she means and she only makes promises when she's truly for them." I would even openly shit-talk Jamie as a strategic move, so people would see me as focused on getting Jamie out and so people would see that I am never afraid to speak my mind, however they saw it as me playing "emotionally" which is exactly what I wanted, so that they continue to undermine my strategic abilities. I want Jamie to fall for this trap so that she can believe it when I say I want to work with her, then I use her vote steal this round to my advantage, possibly get Chris out and then flip on her at the next vote. People need to buy my whole "straight-foward bitch" act so that they see Chris and Claire as the untrustworthy players and not me.


Ok I feel like my head is back in the game. I don’t really think the few days off was good for my psyche, haha it made we want out so bad, I am done with the game and want to get back to real life so bad. But since I am here I might as well finish playing, I am really close to the end, I know I can do this.

So yesterday I kind of came clean to Jamie about everything that I was targeting her but that’s kind of just because I was paranoid. But I really laid everything out and she commented that my honesty really showed my character and I think that’s good. Once you are seen as a liar in this game it’s really hard to shake that reputation and I really don’t want that reputation because people have a harder time believing you when you are telling the truth.

I really am trying to keep Hunter and Alexa together and to not have us three fracture, because if we can survive this round all together then we will be able to force rocks next round if needed and I am sure someone would get panicked and flip to our side. Alexa and I have been strategizing hard about what to do in our position and it’s kind of confusing being able to tell who is telling us the truth because everyone in this game is so shady and it’s hard to tell where people really stand because no one trusts each other lmao. I really believe that Alexa and myself are probably on the bottom but by smart gaming I have faith that we will be able to work our way into a majority for this vote.

I really hope Chris doesn’t win immunity this round because then Alexa and I have no real easy target to sell to Jamie/Jared. Chris has played a pretty great game, he’s aggressive, strategic and able to work his way into good positions. I fully believe that he will win any jury vote in a landslide and for this I want him gone, he’s too much of a threat. I really wanna sell to Jamie that with Chris gone no one really can give her a run for the money in immunity challenges. And I want to make sure she knows that I won’t just vote her out the moment she loses (which I probably will). Jamie is telling me how she can be my goat because the jury is gonna be bitter against her but I don’t fucking believe that for a second.

I am going to try and beast this immunity tonight though because I really don’t feel safe going into this tribal council.


Pretty much I would let Jamie know that she is a fat cunt and, um, the shoes that she gave me were not something that I would particularly buy for myself. They were old maiden type of shoes, and she said that those shoes were meant to be worn on a beautiful woman so if that's the case, she should have put them back on the rack and she should never even purchased them because she was UNQUALIFIED to own those shoes if that's the case and, um, I think that Jamie is just a disgrace. She's a disgrace to humanity and she's a disgrace to women who are actually beautiful and classy and, um, she just doesn't have the vernacular she thinks she possesses. Somebody lied to her several times and told her that she was fly, hot and sexy and beautiful, and she's nothing like that. She's nothing of the sort.


Hunter is horrendous, he needs to leave. He's NOT funny, he isn't even the slightest bit aware of the dynamics of this game and what's going on, he has not made it to this point by anything HE did and he is ONLY here because other people emerged as larger targets over himself, and if he thinks his "strategy" of "I'm an idiot I'm here to have fun drag me along!!" is going to warrant the title of Sole Survivor of an ALL-STAR season then he is sadly mistaken!!!!


Day 32[]




I started sorta a charge to get Hunter out. He adds almost nothing since he's always inactive and it's obvious I'm not gonna work with him along with the threat that he could have an idol. If everything goes to plan he should go and even if he does use an idol it'll be Alexa or Claire. But I'm not that dumb to be completely confident and I don't truly trust anyone except Jamie so I'm gonna have to try to secure it more.


I think I'm going to pull a long con. I'm going to pretend to quit. I'm going to ask them to vote me out. I'm gonna give Claire or someone my 'fake' idol and really show I'm throwing in the towel. Jamie won't play her idol. We'll blindside her. Perfect plan.


So I just spilled my plan to Alexa and I hope she knows what to do and trusts me 100% cause if this works the path to f3 for me should be rather easy



Immunity!!111111111 This entire game for me has been about setting small goals and doing whatever I can to achieve them, and making final 6 was legit one of the last few goals I had left now that I've made it to this point and it just feels incredible !

I remember at like the very beginning of all of this making a confessional about how I wanted to show people I'm not the same asshole I was in Java and that I can play the game the right way without hurting people and being mean and it just feels nice to watch that play out and to realize I have a 1 in 6 chance of winning on the main org AGAIN is just incredible. For the vote tonight like I'm pretty confident as of right now that the split vote plan + Jamie stealing a vote is gonna work out, the only problem that the plan could face is if 2 idols are in play and they're used on both Hunter and Brett, and if not that then like some other power being played that negates votes or something. I'm hoping that it works and Hunter or Brett does leave because I mean I don't trust either of them knowing they have been targeting me this round so either of them can leave. I'd want Alexa to leave or be involved in the split vote plan but like in my ideal final 3 situation if this game IS a final 2, I'd want Alexa and Claire there because both of them suck in challenges and I really feel like I will win final immunity against either of them ! Anyways I just hope this all works and Hunter or Brett leaves because for my game rn to position myself well I need either of them gone.



SHOCKER! Claire and Jared refuse to betray their masters and are both playing for Chris and Jamie's interests and not their own and honestly it's pretty pathetic! That along with Jamie's vote stealer makes it statistically impossible for me to flip the vote and send Jamie packing but I do have one little surprise *pulls possible fake/real idol out of bag* This little totem right here might be my gateway to getting Jamie gone for good. If this truly is a real idol then as long as I play it on the right person (Hunter or myself) then I can easily idol Jamie out 2-0, would be 3-0 but her vote stealer's going to screw things up. If I'm going out it's going to be with a major bang because I did not dedicate nearly two months of my time to hand over the game to ANYONE let alone Jamie. This is a risky move because as far as Hunter knows he still has the idol but this is the only way for me to ensure that I'm safe if it is a real idol and if I get Brett on board then I could make this happen potentially. I just have to make sure I get ahold of the who the true target is so that I can steer around it and possibly make a big move happen. I've been an underdog in this game for as long as I can remember and I'm not giving up the fight now, I'm going to ensure that if I do leave I did everything I could to made sure I would be able to turn around my fate. This game is like the blind leading the blind literally since Jared and Claire are blinded to the fact they're being controlled and micromanaged by two people they don't stand a chance against.


I've never been in a worst spot than I am right now. I'm on the verge of getting the final nail in my coffin but then I have a glimmer of hope in the form of my idol, could be fake could be real. Claire is assuring me that I'm not the target but I would be foolish to trust her. She never keeps her word so her word is the equivalent of a pile of shit right now, worthless. One of two things is happening right now. Option A: Jamie is utilizing Brett/I as an backup in case Chris and Claire turn on her at the next vote but she has no true loyalty. Option B: Brett and I are being blinded and being told that Hunter is the target when it is one of us instead, probably me. Literally I don't see why they would waste a vote on someone as trivial and irrelevant to the game as Hunter. I've been trying to assure Jamie to ensure that she at least thinks I'm on her side but she's a snake and I know she's told Claire and Chris already. Since my days in this game could be limited I'm making the most out of this vote and whether she goes or not I'm determined to make sure her "perfect" record is tarnished, whether my idol is real or not if I can get Brett on board then I'll take a shot at her, I'd rather go out making another ballsy move like I have in past votes than lose at the FTC to Jamie because I decided to sheep her like Jared, bye I don't take orders I give them! I'd rather go out knowing I was the only person trying to overthrow the people in power than go out an inept casting disappointment who threw in the towel and didn't try. I'm saddened by the lack of players with this mindset! Karma is real LMAO and she's gonna get what's coming to her!



This vote is an absolute mess I don’t trust anyone haha, I think I kind of fucked up last night by getting drunk I wasn’t online at all to see what’s going on with the vote. As it stands right now there is a fake group that’s voting Claire, which consists of myelf/alexa/jared/Jamie/hunter, but literally no one from this group will be voting Claire. And then on top of that there is a group that is voting Hunter consisting of myself/Jamie/jared/Claire/chris. Initially I had planned to create some sort of vote split and flip Claire to myself and Alexa making the vote a 3-2-2 sending Jamie home. But Claire proved once again that she is spineless and can’t make a move in this game because she told Alexa that she’s just going to vote Hunter.

Right now it’s apparent myself Alexa and Hunter are on the bottom and I fully believe that the other 4 will be splitting the votes between two of us three and Jamie will be stealing one of our votes. Thankfully Alexa might have a real idol and I think she’s playing it on herself and then we are going to vote Jamie, we don’t really stand much of a shot right now unless there are 5 votes going to Alexa, which is doubtful. Hopefully I can get something at Rishiri because we need all the help we can get we are so fucked right now.



lso I have really enjoyed working with Alexa she's the only person that I have some form of real trust with, she could be snaking me this round but I really hope we can both survive this vote and stir shit up. She's as sick of everyone's shit as I am and it's glorious.


Oh my god these past 24 hours have been pure hell. It's a craze because of the inability to make any moves due to Jamie's vote steal and Claire/Jared lacking a fucking brain LMAO. As of right now if my paranoia is giving me the right vibes they're splitting the votes between Hunter & I because Hunter is dumb as rocks and let the entire tribe know about his stupid idol and I could possibly be going home but I'm not going without a fight, no way. I've been fighting so hard to find out whether that split plan is true because imagine I play a idol (and it ends up being real) on Hunter and I end up going home, god that would SUCK... I'm not going home without taking a shot at Jamie, even if nobody else will. I've given this game my heart and soul and it crushes me that some people are so far up each other's asses that they refuse to make big moves, and would rather just sit back and look pretty.


Fuck it, not playing this questionable idol is too risky and I'd rather waste an idol than go home with it in my pocket when it could be real. I'm so upset because I've been fighting so hard to make moves and flip this game from the beginning and most times I've been successful but the remainder of the cast with the exception of Hunter & Brett, who will probably stab me in the back later on anyways. I've been trying to give Claire a wake-up call from the beginning of the merge but the girl refuses to play the game, if she thinks anyone respects half the shit she's done she's a delusional bitch LMAO. I genuinely am saddened by the fact that a good 80% of this tribe refuses to make a big move and I know if I go out, I'm going out as someone who gave this game their all and never gave up, and that's all I could ask for. I'm so grateful to have been able to be given a second chance and while others have wasted it I feel like this season gave me a whole new perspective on Survivor, what it's like to be an underdog and have to fight extra hard to stay alive, and I truly feel so accomplished no matter the outcome!


The plan to get me to f3 of getting rid of hunter and then blindsiding people



So this TC sucks :)). I didn't really try that hard for immunity, only to get to Rishiri, because I knew Chris would win. But now I'm wishing I missed work and did the immunity all day, the amount of STRESS I have at the moment omg. I've legit been wanted out by Alexa and her squad for the WHOLE game, literally since day 1... And now they're allegedly going for me again. The funny this is, I ALLLMOST told Brett about my 4 person chat with Jared, Chris and Claire and almost told him to wait until f5 and then I'd flip to him and take him to FTC if I won FIC. I was so close to doing that and actually following through w/ it (apart from I'd take Jared to f2 instead of him lol) and now he's messed it up for himself. Whatever lol, I don't trust Claire that much (especially after I pushed HARD for Ash to go last TC and allegedly gave her a panic attack) so it's most likely me going. In which case, rip me!

Also I am OFFICIALLY stealing Alexa's vote simply so that she can't vote me out.





Time for step 2 of my plan to go into action and this fight is perfect


Blindside the king

